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Auto enrolment

If your business hasn’t put plans in place for pension auto enrolment, you need to act quickly. Automatic enrolment means most UK employers are obliged to put in place a workplace pension scheme and automatically enrol their qualifying workers.

As an employer, you will need to make small contributions to your workers’ pensions when you pay them. Failure to do so is likely to result in fines and penalties.

Auto enrolment encourages staff to save for their future, but it’s also likely to result in greater admin costs and a heavier compliance burden. At Gardezi Jay & Co we'll help you manage this process from beginning to end.

When does auto enrolment start?

It already has. Depending on the size of your business and your PAYE structure, employers have been obliged to auto enrol employees since 2012. Most employers will need to have auto enrolment plans in place by April 2017. For full details of starting dates go here.

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